The name'sNorliana
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Friday, January 30, 2009
do i really deserve this?? He-ll-ooo, Peeps!! What's the Hoo-ha about?? ouh well... SO-RR-Y for NOT updaing my blogs this few days.i've been quite busy lately.So,LETS BEGIN.. so basicaly today as usual go to school.So this morning nazirah make a do yayaa.wat a joke siol.(life guard or security guard???)&& today assembly end quite late due to some reason. gerekk..We have only 40 mints for our chem lesson.So,like usual class was fun with the help of sean LAME jokes la ehk.Today amira was absent again!So,i was solo for the whole 3 days in school.So,after school went to BPP to accompany azlina. Then,headed home&& get changed.Today sec 1 new comers are joinin in.NO choice but to go.(smangat katerkn) K la,get to know the juniors quite well enough.Overall i'll give 7/10 for the whole session. Lookin forward for tomorrow. the path you usually walk on is no longer i've seen you there.each day i feel that we are drifttin apart.we are now a total stranger.i've regretted for what i've done to you.i swear!i do! tooodles! Sunday, January 25, 2009
____im NOT gonna waste my time on you____ im runnin-out-of-topic for today post. Things are not really goin to the plan this year.instead its gettin even complicated each day. how i wish someone could just understand me.yah right.... ermm,the atmosphere around me is'nt as perfect like it used to be before.&& i've been wasting most my time thinking who is right or wrong in this situation.NOW,im not gonna waste my time wondering all gonna end this chapter without any answer to it.So,new year,new chapter to begin with.Hopin in the future life will gets even brighter.all the damage i've done before is not goin to happen this time i guess. I need a break from it all.Some space from it all for a minute. All these illusions they’re running out. I gotta do it, make my escape from this world I’ve been living in. Labels: its too suffocated Saturday, January 24, 2009
--all i need is your understanding-- ![]() He-LL-oooo earthlings!! So,today meet up with my miawmiaw aka Amira.firstly we headed to lot 1.we went straight to the library.firstly,we were sitting at the very corner of the & amira saw a sign board stating that no one are supposed to have any dicussion or wat-so-ever there.(dun know la ehkkk)so,we just sit down there.THEN,someone walk towards us and ask us to sit somewhere else.we were like WTF sial !dudok pon salah per?!so we walk out of the library instead. We left the place at 3.35 & amira decided to go straight to fajar mc there amira ordered 1 large ice lemon tea,1 large twister fries & not forgetting 1 large french fries for myself.guess wat the total amount we have just spent?its 8 BUCKS!heheheh.sry mira..... after that go to playground near amira house.&&& then i headed home with the accompany of my miaw-miaw..till the longkang only. what i bought: -handphone stripe($3.95) -two old chang kee($2.40) -frindship bands($1.00) -french fries($2.00)still owe amira($0.55+the drink) i realised i've just OVER spent my money!!! toodles:D Friday, January 23, 2009
___im over it now___ ![]() SO,starting with the CNY concert!its totally rock it this time!im not lying though it was abit boring.& yah,not forgetting the puppet show just now.Gurjeet was choosen to come up to the stage and act like a_____..(dun know wat laa ehk)Totally damn funniest thing during the whole show.his mouth(mask)was slanted siol...HAHAHAAHH!&& i love his acting with the guy standing beside him.So,me& some of them were the kecoh,sorry for the one sitting around us la ehkkk.After school went to artika's spaghetti,watch dvd(wild child)gerek seyy the show.3.10 meet them at zcc.I&fatin were the late,last few minutes we were at the rooftop camwhore here & there. so.its go home time. Sometimes you just have to smile, pretend everythings okay, hold back the tears & just walk away. thats all for today post! toodles:D Labels: my mind is going haywire Thursday, January 22, 2009
i dont know & you aint supposed to know either haisssssssssss, Ntg much going on today.go home with mira&he and his friend were behind us.i totally act as if i dun know him at all.but in the same time i feel like im a heart-breaker to so-rr-yyyyyy! yes i do!never thought things could get toooo COMPLICATED! but there is something really keep bothering me till now. Lets say,someone has crush on you&you did not give them the answer.They will thought that they are being reject.&&& FINALLY,both are like a total if they did not even know each other at all. SO,what will your next move then ??back off or find a way to solved it??? I knew I had to make my decision,But I never made the time. if this the way you want it,let it be. I’ve got to move on and be who I am! Wednesday, January 21, 2009
KICK the ball with your mighty strenght! today was so-STRESSFUL-day!! So starting with during maths lesson!It was the most stressing part of all.&& somemore tomorrow will gonna be our math class test seyy.BLOODY HELL!!But thanx to khadijah for spending so much time teaching me&izza(she's damn crazy sehh).So we lepak-ing at our usual place with the the same time we also watch soccer.STANDARD... so,according to fithri,the score is 4-0.(siling vs zss).BUT i dun know the overall yet.So lets hope for the best for the ZSS boys(soccer player)(: && now i've to revise the whole of chapter 2 for the test tomorrow. tssssssssssssssssssssssskkkk. -THE END- Labels: best of luck ehk(: Tuesday, January 20, 2009
They make my damn happiest day ever!! ![]() ![]() Today??hahah!As usual la ehk.lazy to elaborate.But the most frustrating lesson i had is during POA lesson.we just learn new thing today && know wat?class test seyy.WTF!mepek nyer...&we have only half an hour to finish all the 8Q.So,normal la ehk,do hentam bocai je laaaa..Frankily speaking P0A was the hardest subject to cope.dulu punyer la smangat nk amek POA.hahah!kental ehkkk..serve me right!): && after school went home straight.NO lepak-ing for today.Meet them at zhenghua cc.khadijah tag along with us.YEAHHH!!! konon-konon study la..HEY,wait...i forgotten to bring my pencil box sia.wat a joke!so lend from amira&&nazirah!tnx you guys((:But most of the time we NOT doing our homework.we laugh.we joke around all the way.K finall i manage to complete all my homework!!YAH,so we talk LOTS of craps&& dun forget WE behaving like barbarians.hahahahh!who cares btw.When it was going home sweet home time,we took some pics as one.THEY ARE LOVED!dun forget my azlina(gangster)&&artika(laughing gas)how i wish they were there joining us. NAZIRAH!you still owe me mango tea.. end my story here, Toodles:D Labels: crazyness of them is superb Monday, January 19, 2009
hyper!!! yes i am ![]() HE-LLL-00000, Im posting again la seyy.Today i was damn-damn hyper during EL lesson siol.Tnx to zhou dong(sotong)for making me laugh uncontrollably.hahah!he is a part time joker laughing about wat ehk?hmmmmmm..i forget!But he keep continuosly saying baboon change into gorilla already.Yah,lame right.i also dun know why am i laughing about that stupid joke either.So,after school decorate class for the last time.yeah!!!at last.I cant imagine how slow his reaction is when i smile at him.(at the canteen) firstly:i smile at him. then:he saw me& stare straight into my face.(luper la___.. tk pakai spec katerkn) finally:he then smile back at me. HAHAHAHH!!! k,around 4.45 slack at our normal place till 5.30. reach home at 6.05.&&& now i have to study for my geo quiz tomorrow. tssssssssssskkkkkks): Toodles:D Saturday, January 17, 2009
_____curiosity take place____ YO!WATSsuup, today im gonna post randomly...hmm wake up at 12.45 when the telephone rang.haiyo!the dream i dreamt about is so damn WEIRD.Hmm,hope things gonna change soon or later.& yah,bath,eat blahblah____.So i decided to finish up all my homework today.luckily i manage to finish up all.could'nt life get any worse??BTW i dun entertain KENTALANS la ehk. currently im tokin wif my TAN-TAN.gooo-sip la ehk??..neeh______.. im craving for chocolate bar siol..anyone wanna join in ? I want my MR.CHOCOLATE so badly.. ok,im done for now.see wen i've the time to post again(: toodles:D Labels: hyper yes i am(:
when it was me (: Heyy-yah, Today?? duhh...____..rot at home la.Finish up my tons of homework,but now i left with only two homework!biler mau game seyy.tmrw i guess i do k.Ermmm..dun know wat to post for today...So i took this lyrics from imeem that really tells how do i really fell right now.(i make it short) And I guess she’s alright if perfection is what you like.I’m not jealous, no I’m not. I just want everything she’s got.I remember way back when you used to look at me that way.Tell me what makes her so much better than me.What makes her just everything that I can never be. can anyone answer my unanswered Q ?? neeh,just waste of my time.. just forget it. toodles:D Friday, January 16, 2009
LETS get things done shall we ?? ![]() TODAY_____...hmm ntg much happen.School was damn gerek siol.after school hangout with 1510 & fatin.But i've to help the others to decorate class.haiyo...then i walk around the school with fatin tokin bout___..adeh uhhk.then we hangout at our usual duhhh... i dun know wat has got into me just now..i laugh like hell over ntg funny.(im totally out of my mind)tnx to khairiyah for makin my shoelace like a 'ketupat'.naz is the 'tempeh',yaya like a'lontong goreng' while azlina like a____ i dun know! left the school around 4.30pm and went home with the babes&reach home at 5.10pm.. && yah today was my lil sis b'day.HAPPY BDAY 8th:D The pics i took with the barney was the present given by my father to her. cute kn ...each time i press the button on its right hand there will be a song sang by the barney''i love you''___.. currently talking to to my freaky fren.i was so irritated by her ..hais but she make me laugh though we talk lots of crap:D && to amira:tkpeh aku ingat.nie pe kater kawan ?hehes:D all this while we have been sayin hi but that dosen't mean a thing to me now..but up till now we're doing just fine.. toodles:D Labels: soon or later... Thursday, January 15, 2009
i've been blamin you for makin me feel this way As normal..go to school,study-study-study,homework,and blahblahblahh___.. lazy to elaborate all of them.Today after school went to greengride with azlina&amira.. we buy things for the CNY decoration la seyy.semangat katerkn.&&& there is one hilarious incident happen..HAHAHAHAHHH:kekek siol.. dun wanna talk bout it.we end our decoration thing around meet up with 1510 n the others near to the field..BTW i wan to tnx to nazirah for doin smthg special for me though its not her wat i meant.he waved hi..then the kecoh of them duhh..its just a simple waved.aperrrrh jer..ZSS vs bartley(dun how to spell la dun LAUGH!) SCORE:7-2 zss lose ... ): but anyway you guys are the BEST!!!:D left the place around 5.50 yahh wen home with the girls.. reach home at 6plus dats all for today post, TOODLES:D Saturday, January 10, 2009
fcuk off in my LIFE !! HOLL-LAAAA viewers:D My tittle for today post might me a lil harsh but thats wat im gonna talk for today.(part of it) about someone i knew before& now i realise he is not the one im looking for.maybe this is just my emotional,but it gettin way to deep.& i seriously just cant help it.Hope you and her will continue this friendship(as best friends)forever.YAH!Rite..gth la(to her)..! i dun need a man in my life not till i've found one. my mind is now totally confused wuth all this things.i dun know who should i go to. my words for you:i will be on the TOP watching you FALL ! and im gonna wait that till it happen. im sorry cos i never give wat you deserve. if anything happen,i will always regard you as my FREN. && yah,i HATE that PANTAI!! About today,im do ntg much but to complete my homeworks. so,end my talking here.. toodles:) Friday, January 9, 2009
driving myself INSANE:D HELLOOOO earthlings, Im goin to talk CRAPS&worldd.Starting from now.(LOL) Today lesson was fun though its was damn tiring..Go home with Azlina.Then we came across with tis incident that really make us like a fool.The wind was blowing sooooo strong that our skirt flew upwards.PAISEHH siol..luckily there's no one saw it.(i guess..)we were shouting like HELL!! hahahah!!!K,go back home&change to P.E.DAMN it!!! i was totally late for cca.Im totally annoyed with zhoung hao.why ?!!"do i look like budak baju" not that type la ehk.I know la you one of them.SO just shut up. skip about that. Seriously im jealous of azlina.NOT about her.about someone treated her so why not 21 do like like that.kk, i know im in my own world rite,i'll shut up! im totally damn sad rite now.about wat??about someone i saw just now. but its motor for life:NO SAD NO REGRET la ehk .. k,tomorrow i have tons of homework waiting for me .. so,end my CRAPS here &&&& toodles:D Thursday, January 8, 2009
my mind now is totally confused HEY-HEYY-HEYYY... Im not in the mood to post but nevermind..just give the short one will do. ermm,starting with the assembly this morning(like hell).then came in Mrs goh my form teacher&POA teacher.Im totally damn damn CONFUSED with her lesson. the following lesson:
After school,go back home for awhile to take my homework with Azlina&fatin.There is one FUNNIEST incident happen that really make me laugh like hell.i don't care wat people might think of us.HAHAHAHAHHHH!!! :DD Saket tk ?? wan somemore???Only people around there knows wat really happen. before leaving the school saw 24.hah! k,im still considerinng if im gonna take soccer as my 2nd cca..hmmm-_- tsssssk,need to do crazy. toodles:D Labels: how i wish that.... Wednesday, January 7, 2009
my life are going just fineee:)) WATSUUPZ!! Today im gonna start my,just read la ekh...K starting with the P.E lesson.gerek to the core captain ball!!My favourite game..there is slight injuries on my right knee.only my TAN-TAN(paper) knows wat really happen.(hahah!)&& my recess was @ hell sey waitting for my break.soo long like wat.need to endure for alooong long time.The physic lesson,im totally confused with his teaching.its like wat the HELL is he tokin about.So lesson goes on as usual. END OF SCHOOL: now im tokin in my own world&&craps.after school go to bookshop to return the a.math book.HE-LL-000 im not akin a.math.SO WHAT !Then came G and his gangs.i turn back & saw A.he says ''HI!''so i reply him back by saeing HI..then i turn back.dun take it wrong!me & him are only fren.ONLY FREN!Someone just make my day:))) then go to artika's house.after that go to bangkit to buy my stationary with azlina. reach home 5mint to 6. kk thats all. toodles:D Tuesday, January 6, 2009
IM TOTALLY DAMN TIRED !!!! Definitely today was super damn-damnnnn tired and sleepy siot.My beg was so soooo heavy as if i was carrying a large sack of rice to school.As normal drag my feet to school.. even if i dun want to..and yah ! one more thing i hate the most going to class in the morning is that,my class was located at the very top floor.WTH seeyy.Tk leh angs seyy if this goes on for the whole year.I seriously want mr sng stick to the plan he has.PLS LA..for the student sake. OK,today lesson isn't bad after all.But the most part i can't take it during POA lesson is that mira(whose currently my lamemest crackin up a jokes!about waat??about plastic.cant tell.You just have to guess it your own la ehk...&& yah !the physic lesson really crack my brain.So damn diffficult!i totally want to take bio.but..its too late to change things back. boo-hoo:(( NO sad.NO regret la ehk.. kk,need to do homework. toodles:DD Monday, January 5, 2009
a long-looong journey to began WATSUUUPZ, 2nd day of school.Yah like a big NO-NO for me.but..soon or later i get along with my new frenz.OK uhh..they were friendly too:D I cant imagine that were were having lesson for second day.mendak le angs.Especially the S.S & EL.MY eyes seriously cant take it during the SS lssn..Aftere school,it was really a relieve for me!finally school has end!YEPPPPYYY...!!!hangout with 1510 at our usual place.hope that this will remain the same till we graduate.hahah:))the day was'nt wat i expected but it turn out to be fun after all. i just has the feeling of regretion towards someone and it keeps bothering me. i know everything has over but.. i just cant help it . toodles:D Sunday, January 4, 2009
weekend finally over !! then....i saw A outside mc donald.k,ntg much to say about the incident just now. then went to dun know where(forget the name)lepak there for awhile in the same time take pics.LAZYY mira!dun want to get up to take her phone and expect me to take for her.luckily she's my friend.if not..the phone will surely end up onto the floor.HAHAH! leave the place almost 5pm.mira send me till the..(hmm how to write it.i dun know uh .)forget it. toodles:D Saturday, January 3, 2009
friday&saturday K,lets start with my 1st day of school.. how i feel ??ermm.ok-ok la ..quite entertaining though.Meet up with 1510.They totally know how to make my day eventhough theres sometime a lil fight.Thats how we usually do to each other.hahas:D About my new classmates,ok la ..ntg much.I'll understand.1st day of school so abit odd. but anyway there are great too:))After school lepak with my friends for awhile.Naz,khai,tika has gone off first.So,left with me,mira&az..then we went of to greengridge.. Luckily the next day is saturday.thank god. TODAY:saturday, wake up at 12.30,so damn tired cos the day before i slept at 2. i go to east coast park with my family.For what??dun ask me,ask my lil sis.The reason is simple:want ot play sandcastle.thats all.!wth..NO choice but to follow.. reach there at about 2 to 3 plus.What i did there??eat,take a very short nap,take pics, & yah, dun forget play with water.Reach home almost 10pm. & now im totally damn sleepy but still can manage to post tis for awhile. hahah! wat a joke. the picture up there is what i did with the sand:)) so thats all for today, wanna go to sleep now:D toodles Labels: experience is believing |