The name'sNorliana
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Friday, February 27, 2009
![]() h-e-l-l-o-p-e-e-p-s! been quite busy with all tis tight schedule i've tis week.&& yahhh,received back all class tests& was'nt quite statisfy wif my marks especially for my SS.cant believe it i just fail the paper so badly-_-!D-A-M-N-I-T! ntg much to say just boredddddddddd... lookin forward for the sports day.bhahahahhah.cant wait for tat big day!!.another 2 more weeks,& its gonna be showtime.''EAGLE''will surely gonna rock the stadium down... just wait& see.hahahah.mcm phmm la aku nie. (r-a-n-d-o-m-t-a-l-k)....pssst ''generally guys always forcus more on the aperance of a person than rather seeing the person true colour?? is dat true?'' -as for me,yah! majority of them are. I guess I fooled myself into falling Without a shadow of a doubt Labels: I Wish I Could Just Press Rewind Sunday, February 22, 2009 ![]() actually today was'nt her bday.but we make advance bday for her la kan.celebrated by our beloved 1510 gengs.yah,the weather was'nt very pleased today.was rainin cat&,me,yaya,fatin&khadijah were at the zcc oready but then rain started to pour heavily.thank-god only me who bring,fatin&khadijah go first.left only me&artika at zcc.then fatin came&fetch artika first instead of me.goooosh waited for khadijah like 123456789 mins.hahah.its okehhh.wanna thanks her for fetchin me eventhough her cloth were wet like hell. yeaah,waited for the rest at mc donald blah-blah-blah.(lazy too mention the sequence.)after tat me,tika,khadijah act as if we need to go home early.konon-konon mrajok uhh,bab org tu ckp''probably the worse bday ever''.but then tis were part of our plan.hehehh.sorry naz!buat ko suspend jerr.we waited for them at the pondok(dun knw where). yeaaah.after tat artika shout sayin tat they were otw were panic like wat the heck la kn tryin to burn the candle.kecoh uh kiterorg...sing her bday song,cut cake,suap cake,&& she saw a packet of tepong.shit la!!...bocoh rahsia...the best part came in:sabo uhh aper yaya like 123456789 metres.hahahahh!finally manage to get hold of her.& for artika,tali kasut dier putos.kekekkkk siolll.camwhore here&there.leave the place around 6.30. btw thanks ehk mira,for the incident happen.hahaha!blh hangos sak tangan aku .luckily my index finger din'nt get burn.reach home-sweet-home at 7.20. wishes for nazirah:hope you will grow by 3cm tmrw.bhahahahah!may all ur wish come true... Friday, February 20, 2009 -Automatic supersonic hypnotic funky fresh- ermm,curently doin ntg just listenin to some music.yeaah,actually im quite bored right now so i decided to post about today.aft sch went to phy lab(dun wat la kan)to place our collected bottles there.gosssh!its was totally g.e.r.e.k seyyy.&for tis week we've collected 51 bottles!not bad la,then help the tcher in-charged to carry down all the plastic blah-blah-blahhh...not gonna elaborate it any further.Today i din't go for cca for some reason i had.gaaaahss!today lesson was so damn tiring.i dun how many times i've yawn in a day.i just can't help it.though my body was there but my soul dun knw where has it gone to. thought of finishin my POA,but then i ended up in nowhere land. -dreams are ONLY sleepin- toodles:D Labels: free my soul Thursday, February 19, 2009 ![]() basically,today was so-so sleepy la kann.yup!...during CME lesson,i try to force to open up my eyes but somehow it start to close for the last 15 min.gerekk perhh tdo kat klass??miss sleepin during lit lssn wen im in sec 2 accompanied my my dearest fren sittin beside me!after school we've chem test.siakk uhhhhh,susah giler seyyy-_- all i know i surely did badly for my chem test.aft sch,went to see soccer match.ZSS vs Juying sec.yeahhhh ..totally enjoyin myself.laughing out loud like nobody business.& now im wondering should i go for cca tmrw?? malasss nyerr_____________.. ''All my worries step aside When i hear a simple melody''..... tooodles:D Labels: gone with the wind Tuesday, February 17, 2009 hellooooo peeps(: yeahhh~!!huhhhu..finally i can update my blog againnnn!kinda busy tis few know why la kannnn____.So,as for today,i've geo&phy test to take.pfffttttttttttttttt.seriously speakin seyy i dun even know wat am i writtin on the paper.just write things i know onlyyy.-_-my brain feel like it gonna split into half siaaaa.Damn!...its sux i say so prepare to **** je la kn.hahah!neeeeeh,think positive liana!so afer school went for eagle dance at dance studio la kannn.standard ...kater eagle perhh.S-U-P-E-R damn gerekkk seyy.eventhough i only get to know almost half of the stepp.its still an effort from me. paling best,wen we went up with kak azie&kak mel to see the falcon dance.gerekkk per seyyyy .. kene hentam cukop-cukop.kekekkkk siol la end the session at 6.05 gituu. listenin to the music,make my whole body wanna move toooooo(: Labels: feel the temptation Saturday, February 14, 2009 ![]() today,rot at home trying to revise for my upcoming test/level test.& now,im suffering from stress attack which only occurs when i've to face the books for 562412843 hrs.goooooshhh..-_- im totally damn-damn stess rite now!seriously speakin i thought of goin for counselling seyy.can't stand it tis way any longer.&& now i only spend 1hr to flip thru physic textbk! 4 more subject to go& still im stuck with physic.SEE!how can i study if most of the time i've been slacking.arghhhh.. cant my life get any worse then tis ???? i've to change my ATTITUDE towards studyin.but how?! toodles_ _ _ Labels: All my life I've made excuses
who's there?? so,as you all know today im meeting wif 1510 @ zcc.reach there around fatin were the 1st one to reach there!so,basically there are 6 of us.i dun know wat has got into khadijah head but she was soooo damn damn hyper just now.can you imagine she purposely press all the button in the lift.from level 1-5!walaooooo.then,wen we step out of the lift,saw amira senior.(dun know hu laa kn)he then took the lift which we take.gaahhhhhs!wat a joke siaaa.the lift went to the 5th floor instead of goin down.&& yahh! totally were having sooooooo much fun!though most of the time we were''not''doin our homework but still i manage to finish up all in last,nazirah kena bully by khadijah.yippppeee .... so leve the place at 6.05(i guess)me,nazirah&amira went straight to fajar mc donald.then saw kak talk-talk for awhile with the same time amira&kak sharizah teach me POA.thankssssss ..finally i could understand it! reach home-sweet-home at 7.40. luckily my father did not say anythg..... Tooodles:D Labels: Door half way closed Thursday, February 12, 2009
who's my valentino ?? ![]() oppps!today friday the 13...!wat i heard from my mates is tat today is the sign of ''bad luck day''.(ezitt???)who may knows..&& yaah...,today was super-duper tiring day for me.finally 5 days past by & tomorrow im gonna chill out with my beloved 1510,celebratin valentine with them!baaaahhahahs!!!(i guess) so,just now after school went to BPP to return book.otw there,got call from my mum.she say i got fined for not returning book on time..Alamakkkk.weak uhh.-_-then i've to pay 0.75 cents jerrr. so,order ice-cream,eat-eat-eat spoon drop onto the floor.btw thanks ehk naz for the laugh..(claps) so home sweet home with azlina.&&& taa-daaaaaa im almost finish posting for today. im run out of words im run out of time, all i know i deserve ntg but the best in life. valentine day sux for single ladies .... Labels: it really do sux holla-holla peeps!!! so,today actually was frustrated quite abit.lesson was so damn dryyyy.But during EL lesson,totally was havin lots of fun.baaahahahahhhh!De-bate'n...(who will be eliminated from the group thingy.)kekekkk le angs gua.aft school slakin almost around the school.thought of completin my homeworks but then,cannot finish it.alamakkkk.&yah,smtgh hillarious happen under khai's block.not gonna mention it.takot org tu mara. && now,got L-O-T-S more works to be done! tats all folks! toodles:D Labels: killing me slowly .. Wednesday, February 11, 2009 S.C.R.E.A.M O.U.T L.O.U.D!!! Today,during P.E we had to do our high jump outside the hall.yeaahhh!its was totally damn fun sia.eventhough i dind't actually make it over but still i've made it rite.even ms pek ask me to do once more cos she think i could make it next round.yahhh rite!then,its was venice turns.. she ran towards the pole& guess wat!!she have the time to stop before the pole.she dind't even go for it.after tat its was aliff's turn,he ran towards the pole.thennnnn, he step onto the mattres& jump over it.maen play cheat seyy nie org.....then the second time he flung the pole off! org suro jump die pegy angkat tuuu pole.kekekkkk siolll. overall,my day was bright enough to cheer myself up(: DAMN IT!next week goona be the sucking week for me!TEST,TEST,TEST all the way. totally pissed of-_- goosshhhhh!arghhhh... cant i've break??? Tuesday, February 10, 2009 my wish was FINALLY granted! SMILE:DDDD im gonna mark tis day as "special day''for me.yupppps!its all began after school.No ones knows wat actually happen just now.only for some who with me la kannn.hahah!to my surprise he reach the place on time sia...& like duhhh,i was late by 10 mins or know me ....gaahhhhs!so at first we were only two was abit akward la kan.but then tis problem i've make me do it no matter wat!& then after awhile few of them join in(insert name).gossshhh! mr chong saw us!sooooo,at last my wish were finally being granted.okay la,im not gonna say i understand it 101% la kn but ok la...... manage to understand it bit by bit after awhile. THANK-YOU & sorry for the time you've just wasted on me.hahahahhhhh! & for(insert name)'s ,i was just askin(insert name)to teach me ONLY ! i went home wif fatin,then tis fatin fren sec 2(dun who his name) ask her who is beside her. (which was me) boy:saper bdk sebelah kau. fatin:kakak aku boy:blh mintak no. his fren:mcm maner aku nak mintak no seyy.... fatin:no dier,999 me:kol la! k,i hate them underestimating me just lookin by my height!aku tau la aku nie tk setinggi macam ko!jng nk kerekkk uhhhh...-_- so,tooodles:DD Labels: YIPPPPPEEEE..... Monday, February 9, 2009 Heyhoy:DD ermm,today lesson as usual not too dry.& yah! s.s quiz was quite ok book.thank godddd! today i was fairly hyper during M.T lesson.dun know wat exactly got into me. & just now i took the lift.then came in tis uncle la kann.know wat??!the uncle was so up to date,he blast his music in the lift listenin to tis song (she be loved by maroon 5) ,i guess.i was like,'waahhh! kencang seyy nie uncle'. finally wanna wish all the soccer boys for today match,Good-luck guys!!all the best for today match.gaahhhs!:D F.Y.I(chua chu kang sec) (its time for me to make it up to you.) toodles:D Labels: yes or no ??should i ...... Sunday, February 8, 2009
my life would suck without you hey-heyy-heyyy......... so,wat can i say,ntg to do post la kn aper lagy..Today was superb dull day for me.who wants weekends filled with tons of homework to be done.i'll guees,neeh.who wants it anyway rite? As for today thought of revising my works but then i've been slacking most of my time &keep on delayin it.yah!but still i manage to touch my books for quite a while.not only touch&see but i oso memorising it.&now im slackin again facing tis comp.hahah!i'll never be able to focus on at home neither in can anyone tell me wat to do???? since you've been gone,wat can i say. toodles peeps! Labels: I'm so moving on Saturday, February 7, 2009 Back to basic.... Hey there!!, currently chattin with ASMINE!!today woke up at 12.45.thanx to my mum for wakin me up.gosshhh.feel so restless last night. as for today,as usual laa,slack at home finished up my homeworks all.see!how good i am.(lol!) & now,im facing difficulties with my POA!thought it was easy but then it turn out to be...GOD!cant tis subject get any harder??so,tomorrow decided to revise for upcoming phy&chem test.DAMN IT!... So let's rewind, take me back to the exact point where i went wrong. Lookin for some answers, how could you reach the limit?I never seen it come now how could i predict it? im done for today! so,Toodles! Labels: rewind the history Friday, February 6, 2009
opposite side of me......... ![]() Boooh-yahhh peeps!!!! As per normal lesson was okehhh!So,after school went home straight.Have a very short nap&off to cca.Today session was quite fun.The hillarious scene took place wen zhong hau (tuuuttttttt...) was being kick by dania!kekekkkk siol..have a great laugh bout tat.So,today ends earlier then i thought.around 5.35 meet up with khai&naz at the parade square.sit around mcm bdk terbiya.then after a while artika join in.azmina,mai,&the 4 of us+one sec 2 kid ran around the parade square like nobody business.we run with a bottle filled with water inside.aper lagy MANDI TIME!!!putra oso join in the fun.who cares if ppl thought we are per ...Go home with my cloth&pants wet like hell.&& yah totally were havin fun just now.thanks ehkk khai for makin my pants wet.otw home,saw T.M!he smile i smile & habes just miss it!awwwww.... [surprise to read someone's blog.&yah,me too.i know i've been such a fool one is at fault now.] tooodles! Labels: its worse then the rain pour Thursday, February 5, 2009
_____goshhh!im too selfish_____ ![]() HOLLAAAAAA-hollaaaaa.... so,today lesson was going smoothly la ehkkk.& now,im totallyyy exhausted & my voice is runnin out.Math lesson was the BEST!dun know why la but i just like today lesson(math).After school lepak-ing with 1510.Today tournament was ZSS Vs Regent Sec.SO,me,khai,naz were sittin behind the fence near to the goal post.after tat,a group of ppl includin the makcik sit beside us. gooooosshhhhhh!the makcik was so damn hyper tat as if she were the referee.i was like"kecoh uhh nie makcik...''serious!if you were there you will pissed off at that moment.& yah,haziq score a goal during the free that instant we were shouting like hell for our school team! but then the overall score turn out to be 2-1. but its ok boysss,you did your very best! sorry to amira&oso azlina for not accompanyin them home. so loooooong peeps! tooodles:D Labels: am i being fair to myself? Wednesday, February 4, 2009
____unexpected___ HOllllaaaaaaaa back!!!!.... So,today.....yah,during P.E lesson there was an commotion happen wen we were playin base ball. aaron(dun how to spell)get hit by the soft ball directly onto his left eye!!OUCHHHHH!dats might hurt.dun know wat exactly happen just now.aaron then was send to hospital.hope tat ntg bad happen to,today lesson was abit dry.not as hyper like the day bafore. so,today things turn out just toooo tired to find any more problem. && yah,maybe i've changed since we are in different position.but im still the OLD me. dun wanna elaborate it any further . if you think i've change,then im sorry. [thanx for realising me up] toooodles! Labels: cant llife get any worsen ?? Monday, February 2, 2009
---im out from nowhere--- Suuuuuups peeps!!! wats wif the hoo-ha things huhhh?? Anyway,as for today im just toooooo hyper!dun know why.During math lesson,i received back my class test.first time in Mdm ho lesson i pass her test with flying colours.19/ or wat.?!(k stop it).&& for MT lesson,shahril crack the lamest joke ever which make me laugh(dun know wat la)mad person,i guess.Hahahaahaaaahh!!What do you use to measure your ears with?(vernier caliper?)lolllllll...! && some question which concern me the most:Wats the diffrent btwn the high class&non-high class??(its just there's additional subject) used to it each no hard feelin la ehkkk. as for tomorrow,POA test.gosshhhhhhh! (chimera that dosen't exist) TOOOOdles! Labels: its all about reality Sunday, February 1, 2009
ruuning out of time! HELPPPPP! ![]() Listen up homie!! Today post gonbe short&sweet! LET'S START: so,about yesterday meet up with khai,naz,mira&fatin at zss.They rock my WORLD babe!reach home around 7.15 pm.tats consider late for me. hahahhhhhh!&& for today ofcos,i seek help from azlina about my blogskin.THANK-YOU! owe you one.&& now i realised that i've got homework to be done. so long peeps!see wen will my mood be ''fine'' agaiiinnnnnn. Toodles! Labels: h-e-l-p |