The name'sNorliana
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Thursday, April 30, 2009
okey,im too exaggerating.its has been quite sometime i've updated tis bloggie of im here to update now cos i'll be out to dinner till night with the whole family & my cousin. actually im not the best mood again to go out but then no choice but have too lah kn. ATTENTION peeps! 4 more days left for the MYE !are you fully prepared?prepared fully?yes,no or better still don't know.hahaha.i'll be freaking-hell dead meat.gawd,eventhough i've been passing my POA & Math constantly,but still my humanities are totally damn weak tis time round.tis upcoming MYE is makin my pathetic brain goin haywire.t-chers have been giving us revision worksheet from the past year N-lvl & oso O-lvl paper for own revision. from right now na na,i'll be buzy with revising my subject all.comp can be used at night. my life is going upside-down day by day && my PMS is getting worse.yeahh,i realised it.maybe it is bcos ''nk dekat cuti gaknyr''..hahah,who may knows. for the sake of passing my MYE exam with flying colour like rainbow,i will put 101% of my effort. insya-allah..amin. im done till here.see you all sooon !! Labels: sincerity enough ? Friday, April 24, 2009 today lesson was giving me a serious headache.chem lesson, t-cher not coming.we were told tat tis week like almost 15-20 tchers on Mc.virus is spreading rapidly in the t-chers staff room ! WOW !! okey, im back,from ''night study'' at fajar Mc with khad,mira,naz & yayaa ! okey,yayaa was all well dress up with red & white top & red handbag .& naz as usual lah tease her sayin''ko nk gy interview kejer perh'''.hahah ! siak jer..okey lol.yeahh ! what i've realised is tat each day my homework is pilling like a mountain ..& expect me to do them time to do revision seyy.-.-'' tis week just received our MYE timetable.gawddd,soooo fast yet soooo unprepared ! ouh well tats about the freaking upcoming MYE.its left us with less than a week ! hmm,im totally miss[es] alots my lower-sec life for real ! i really want my 2N1 mates back.they make my day each day i come to school without fail. the weather nowadays is gettin warmer n warmer,& each time i walk back to home,im gettin darker n darker each day.tnx for those inconsiderate,irresponsible human beings for contributing tis global warming.if the world is like a air-conditioner,hahah ! tokin just confused with my own feeling.what's wrong me ?? last but not least:It's gonna hurt when it heals too but still, i deserve the smile on my face & you deserve nothing but the best in life will i ever see you smiling back at me ? Labels: I'm so over you Monday, April 20, 2009 yaww ! firstly wanna wish my beloved dad HAPPY BIRTHDAY..hip-hip-hoooooray !!currently eating bday cake which was coated with dark chocolate.yum-yum !finger lickin good or good lickin finger(yaya quote)hahah^^okey, school as per normal ntg much special going on.for the first time i've pass my SS !! 8/12 seyy.(haha,kembang).its a tremendous improvement i shall say.never score tis high before. was havin superduper great time during lifeskill period.was supposed to plan games,food etc for the upcoming visit to old folks home at geylang tis 19 may.aaron was asking if we the old ppl can play musical chair but the wheelchair vesion one.&& everyone was laughing their ass out.its sooo unreasonable.-.-'' goosh. so after school got match.Zss girls VS Whitley(dunno how to spell) girls.from the look,the whitley players are quite big & strong in physical appearance.&& for ours zss girls cute yet adorable. so yeahhh.was having great laugh with the girls,ezah && berok.&& to berok,(if you are reading tis): tk pulu ehk ketawe kn aku.ketawe geli hati sak nie org.hahah ! not forgettin ezah rocks my socks today ! gerek uhh nie leh angs sey...she was shouting like mad women,doing the Man-U waves thingy,saying all the vulgarities out & doing all kind of stupid stuff.hahah.kekek stay till the match score:0-0. so finally home-sweet-home at consider totally late for me.who-cares ! im lucky today cos both of my parents din't even nag at me ..tomorrow got two test need to be attempt.darn it !so wish me luck okey ? hahah.k lah gtg.need to do my revision. btw got spelling error or not so far ??if got uhh do inform me thru msn ehk.^_______^ taaaaataaaaa-tiiiiitiiiii-tuuuuuuutuuuuu(: Labels: final goodbye Sunday, April 19, 2009 ![]() imagine i've been fidgetting all around for the whole day,thinking what should i do(excluding revising). as for today's weather was totally damn warm seyy & somemore im wearing black t-shirt.kimak,like as if im in the oven.ouh yeahh,i've been thinking of revising my math before the weekends start & till now i've only covered almost chpt 4 only.2 more chpt to gooo sia.about my homework i've done most of it,only wif tis complicated+problematic maths question which i have difficulty to solve it & tomorrow is the due date !! so yeah i got quite alot of question leave usual go to school asked from anyone who has the kind soul to lend it to me.hah ! &&beside i've been hoping soo badly to past my MYE.yes ! i dream wat ?? everyone also has the right to dream big wat..okey if im not wrong it left me with 16 more days to my very BIG-Big days which is my MYE laaa i prepared ?? ab-solutely NOOOOO !! idk how long i've been facing tis comp.currently doin ntg beside listening to music on the net. im so addicted to tis song by enrique iglesias ft. ciara[takin' my love back]. im soo-sooo lovin'it lots ! okey i guess im done updating my bloggie.So yeahhhh ! its harder than i thought of lettin you go.... okey la,BYE !!~! Labels: never the same Friday, April 17, 2009 ![]() CCA time... ermm overall i enjoy the most for today activities.firstly need to set up tent.boringgg + funnn ! the weather was extremly HOT !!tk lehh angs,free game time !! there were few types of games like basketball,line game,poison ball last but not least,kicking some balls.its have been centuries i've not kick ball.the last i could recall is when i was in sec 2.geez,im soooo missing tat good old days badly.yeahh,only 7 ppl who were sooo ''enthusiasm'' la kan ,especially me.the rest play our rules is simple enough to understand. 1 person be the left with 3 girls & 3 boys.Girls VS boys.try to to score as many as possible within 30 minits,i guess. i score a goal okey!.its just by luck only..but overall the boys win.hmmp-.- && now my both legs muscle cramp.his friends keeps on bugging me whenever i walk past pulu ehkk ! stakat kwn seyy... so yeahh received text from (insert name).din't expect tat.hope wat you say its true.hope its not just any empty words u say to make me happy.ouh not forgetting happy friendship day !! next week gonna be my most buzziest week.test-test-test! all the way.remedial lagy.haiyooo.. nehmind for my own good sake of passing my MYE kater kann. problem dosent seem to be solve till now.isn't it great.great to the core siaa! im a stronger girl now and its all because of you. I Know Its Hard And Were Bound To Make Mistakes But If Theres Anything I Learned From You Its Not To Runaway Through All The Complicated Situations In My Life Cuz I Cant Wait On You No More I Made It Here Without You I've finally understand perfectly Okey,I get the point. Labels: who is she ? Tuesday, April 14, 2009 ok im back from school .im tired & my brain seriously need a rest !21 more days to MYE !! holy shitz ! im running out of time to revise all my school work .i need SOMEONE to teach me POA and few other subject[s].idk what is wrong with me tis few may see me living in the world without any problem.guess wat ?? you got it all wrong.i just cant focus anymore in class.&& my assignment are all totally like shit !one more things tat bother me the most is tat,my parents would'nt understand me even if they do,all the fault always about attitude has change !!nabei..sumer per salah aku.WTV la ehk.they say tat i will never give in !! mepek siak.!! i just dont understand them.what they really want from me.yahh & now tnx to them ! i can only use comp till 9 from mon-fri.weekends till 10 !! kepale but* . what kind of schedule is tis ?? sng2 tarik tu comp skali kn jng pakai langsong kn lebeh bagos.unreasonable btol ! .i got problem in school,studies,at home && wat else ??! sumpah sial,feel like banging my head against the wall if i could . it just the matter i want it or not.okey i admit tat sometime my attitude is unacceptable but then they should'nt be doing tis to me rite ?okey im not trying to seek for sympathy or wat so ever it just tat im just tooo stress and tis is the only way i could let all my feeling out. maybe i wil be not using the comp often.tis will be my last post,i guess la.tngk laa, kalo aku nk pakai comp aku pakai.dorang nk mara tu dorang nyr psl lah.i dont want to bother.need to focus more on my studies. i wanna tnx to tis two wonderful ppl for having such schedule for me ! tnx ehk. soo long peeps-.-'' Labels: HELL Monday, April 13, 2009 ''booooringgg ...'' so basically woke up rudely by the alarm clock at 8.30 ! haiyo .. i was told tat the e-learning will only start at 11 for sec 3 .wtf ..! so off my alarm clock && continue to Zzzzz ...woke up again at 10.30.yeahhh , the Q for chemistry was sooo damn susah seyy.rabakk ! i've fail badly -.-'' then for SS i pass by 1 mark ! okeyy laa still consider pass kan .POA don't know aper cite cos many ppl din't do ! gerek per seyy .hahah^^ tats all i guess .still haven't pack my beg. ok gtg.. - good-nite(: - Labels: simply unperfect story Sunday, April 12, 2009 1. Full Name = Norliana Bte Razali 2. Nicknames = liana , yana 3. Birth place = NUH 4. Hair color = brownish 5. Natural hair style =curly 6. Eye Color = Brown ... 7. Birthday =030494 8. Favourite Country = idk 9. Favorite color = PINK ! GREEN !! BLACK !!! 10. One place you'd like to visit = errm hawaii , maybe TEN THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE 1. Have you ever been in love? yaaa -.-'' 2. Do you believe in love at first sight? Ofcos ! 3. Do you currently have a crush? idk 4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally? i guess 5. Have you ever broken someone's heart? yup ! 6. Have you ever had your heart broken? like duhhh 7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them? ofcos 8. Are you afraid of commitment? huhh ?? 9. Who was the last person you hugged? artika 10. Who was the last person you said I love you to? heheh .. TEN THIS OR THAT. 1. Love or lust? Love . TEN HAVE YOU EVER 1. Been caught sneaking out? Nope ! 2. Seen a polar bear? once when i was a kid.. 3. Done something you regret? yesss ! 4. Bungee jumped? nope-nope-nope 5. Eaten food that fell on the floor? heheh ,sometimes 6. Finished an entire jaw breaker? huh ??! 7. Been caught naked? OMG . big NO-NO ! 8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back? ermm , maybe not 9. Cried because you lost a pet? i have no pet 10. Wanted to disappear? ouh yeah , absolutely (: TEN PREFERENCES IN A PARTNER 1. Smile or eyes? i want BOTH 2. Light or dark hair? ermm , depends 3. Hugs or kisses? heheh , BOTH! 4. Shorter or taller? taller than me its PERFECT ! 5. Intelligence or attraction? both laaa 6. Topman or Zara? wth ??! 7. Funny or serious? FUNNY ^^ 8. Older or Younger? older than me . but not too old la kan 9. Outgoing or quiet?Outgoing !! 10. Sweet or Bad ? half sweet & bad TEN HAVE YOURS 1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd? yup !! (: 2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour? ouh yeahh ! 3. Ever tried walking on your hands? nope . wish to do tat 4. Ever been to a rock concert?no wayy . buat saket telinga jer .. 5. Ever been on a cheer leading team? ofcos . sports day la kann 6. Ever been on a dance team? yup !! malay dance .7. Ever been on a sports team? ermm , yeahh 8. Ever been in a drama play/production? nooo way ! 9. Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley? Lamborghini?ermm still on my wishing list ! 10. Ever been in a rap video? no , but soon ^^ TEN LASTS 1. Last phone call you made? ermm my mum ? 2. Last person you hugged? artika la .. haiyo ! 3. Last person you hung out with? girlfies ... ! 4. Last time you worked? i dont work 5. Last person you talked to? my lil sis 6.Last person you IM'd? huh ? what is tat ? 7. Last person you texted? amira 8. Last person(s) you went to the movies with? family 9. Last person who called you? azlina syg !! 10. Last website visited? Facebook & blogger (: Labels: random Friday, April 10, 2009 ![]() The small kid(: cute rite the photo above ^^ heheh , ntg to do so upload tis adorable pic of me ..dulu cute skrg mute -.-'' yeahh ,everyone was once a kid right ? misses those time so muchh . i was told that i was so mischevous when i was a lil kid. gezz i din't know tat . no wonder i've still have tis kind of attitude inside me. && now im all grown up.i've been leaving in tis world for 15 yrs 7 day ! goooosh ! i dont feel like im 15 already.. the future still awaits for my arrival. about my horoscope, ARIES - The Daredevil (Mar 21 - April 19) Energetic. Adventurous and spontaneous. Confident and enthusiastic. Fun. Loves a challenge. EXTREMELY impatient. Sometimes selfish. Short fuse. (Easily angered.) Lively, passionate, and sharp wit Outgoing. Lose interest quickly - easily bored. Egoti stical. Courageous and assertive. Tends to be physical and athletic. dont get shock cos 97% is TRUE .. (to whom it may concern hope you guys have settle the prob oready.pls laa ,just cut it out will ya ??) Labels: good-bye stranger Thursday, April 9, 2009 she's just a typical girl leving in a BIG-BIG world Today , school was givin me a very hard time digesting all the information out which í've revise last night. Goooosh , im simply hate(s) today lesson eventhough its fun in the begining . can you imagine how stressful my brain is to attempt 3 test paper (el,math,chem) in a row ?? wtf seyy. have to admit tat the test paper was difficult uhh . be prepared to **** .. ouhh NO-NO-NO .. hope soo not ! ermm ntg much happen in school . after school walk to greengridge n saw '' ehem-ehem'' n G at the sweet talk . heheh ... okey-okey i stop it . no one could understand me or maybe its me who could'nt understand no one ?? ouh well ... yeahh tat was today . about my NAFA test i manage to do atleast 15 inclined pull up ! yessa .. heheh .overall pass my NAFA test . yipp-peeee ouh yahh.. , tomorrow good friday ! lets take a break guys ..everyone deserve a break rite ?? anyway, not to mention tat monday will be our E-learning day in another word '' tk skola '' stay at home do homework thru the e-learning website . just dont get it why must have such day for us . dosent they know its just a waste of electricity ?? why not just give us worksheet instead -.-" but must be thankful cos we've have the priviledge to stay at home rather than going to school listen to tcher like a good student always do rite ?? im left with few more months & things would change everything. im ab-solutely miss(s) ur smile good-nite fellows(: Labels: do it to it Monday, April 6, 2009 Double-Surprises(: im posting now cos maybe i will not be using comp later at night.need to revise for my physic test tomorrow. Received a present from artika & khairiyah in the morning.i super-duper like the gift alot ! ermm .. lesson as usual ntg special about today .was havin fun during el lesson . was supposed to make story by cutting some pics from the newspaper. it was a pair work actually . amira is my patner . as usual we always talk alotsa craps & our imagination will always run wild when it is about creating our own story line.tats about it for el...after school lepak-ing for awhile then headed to gsc.then we settle down at the playground opposite gsc. seriously idk wat they were up to just now.guess wat ??! they bought me a small cake & start singing happy birthday song.btw tnx ehk mira ,for the cream cake kat pipi aku . totally din't expect you guys would do such thing for me .awww, im so touchhh ....YOU GUYS ARE THE SWEETEST ..!^^ & for ( insert name) & ( insert name) hope you guys know what you're doing . never let them fool you ! Labels: your smile reminds me of ... Sunday, April 5, 2009 Hello Dude[s] & Dudette[s]\m/ Geez .. today its Sunday. & FYI i hate tis day cos the following day will be monday ! & tis week i've got two test to take,PHY & CHEM. but still i've haven't touch any of my book beside my homework laaa.Errmm , wat i did for the whole afternoon was sleeping.My homework left with only and only one which is POA. Arghhh , tomorrow should be lifeskill i guess .booooringgg -.- MYE is just around the corner & still not prepared for it .WTH rite !! .tu la slack lagy kat class. padan muker aku sendiri .i guess or should i say MUST be more attentive in class. gotta buck-up on my weakest subject[s] from now on. && about the through train programme should i go for it or just take my time to take my o lvl subject[s] when im in sec five ?? gooooshh, dind't know tat secondary life would be sooo challenging when it is about N & O lvl. tis things only makes my head spinning. dont know why tis few days im feeling like dancing my ass out. i just cant stay still whenever i hear music ! serious , no joke seyy. okey im likely done posting for today.any spelling mistake you've spot ? hahah , jokin^^ good-bye\m/ Labels: move to the beatz Saturday, April 4, 2009 okey i know im lame .wtv.! kinda bored right meet up with my gerek feet just now. erm , not many people wanna tag along just now cos busy with their own schedule.only naz,yaya & mira. poor thing rite.yeahh ..walk around the mall.dont know how many times we've been walking in circle from one shop to other.Geez , till now i could'nt find a perfect diary.where can i find one seyy?? .. ouh well , everyone was hungry so headed to food culture. donno wat to eat so many varieties. So buy kway teow instead of eating Mc spicy chicken burger -.- && now im craving Mc spicy chicken burger.gosh i could feel the juicyness in my mouth rite now.(drooling) i oso bought GREEN shoe lace .the green colour was so tempting oitt ! mira bought orange shoe lace.finally , we lepak-ing at fajar court.have a good craps with those ppl. NEVER thought mira have a ORANGE brain. gooosh , mira i suggest u go & wash ur rusty brain .dont care how u gonna do it but you really freaking me out.hahahah ! jokin(; && now im stuck on my chair facing tis comp for 123456789 homework still faithfully waitng for me.received phone call from my sorry for the death of ur beloved grandfather): One more thing, if you call me stupid you are also insulting the other stupid peoples hahah , saw tis phrase somewhere but donno where exactly. yupz ! i really do agree with tat. Okey finally done posting for today im sooo not interested with ur sweet lil words .get it ?!Labels: you should have lied Friday, April 3, 2009 Ouh well , today is my special day but it seems no different from my other days in school.i skip cca today.heheh ..yeahh , after reading my girlfies blog , i swear tat i finally or should i say .., i realized how meaningful to have them by my yeaaahh , thousand && millions of thank-you for the wishes. appreciate it lots. && tnx girlfies or should i say amira & others for making the sweetest bday surprise ever . did not expect such things to happen .thought the plan has fail but it wasnt.Was totally damn-damn shock.So sorry for making you guys worry bout my condition just now. dont know why i was in a moody mode. thought my parent have forgotten bout my bday .hahahah ! aku kene punk seyy. the cake tat was coated with CHOCOLATE was bought by my sweeeet (; but to bad , still in a cold mode with her. so pathetic seyy-.- anyway my day turns out to be the sweetest day of all ! message: aku,naz,yaya da 15. korang biler mau catch-up ?? heheh ! jokin Never trust strangers again cos it will only turn to regretion for life Why does it have to be this way where will my path lead me to now Is love really pain and fears Maybe I'll never know Labels: Never to look back again |