The name'sNorliana
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Saturday, May 30, 2009
Guess who is he?? Introducing my No.1 & only one jesse mccartney.Reminder ! dier aku punya okey(winks)*dont take him away.he's being taken by non other... Norliana Bte Razali ! hahahahhhah!! joking..i just cant resist seeing his face(melt)* awwww so cuteeeeee(:okey stop the drama now lets begin with my dull story telling.booooooooo...! today was suck to the max): rot at usual im being attack by my own boredom again. im starting to miss going to aru nk start.hahahs! lol uhh aku. listening to my mp3 till my batt half gone.see ?! how bored i am. wish there were someone who will be accompanying me all the time kn?? HAH! what a joke rite. okey im running out of words. i've got to move on & be who i am .. peace-out Labels: confession Friday, May 29, 2009 ![]() so long school,hellooo holiday! Yessaaaa(: Holiday finally have arrived..!Wait,but then my holiday will be overloaded with tons of homeworks(s) & Project(s) given by my tcher(s). NB! what to dooo..Just now, in school was supposed to do spring cleaning: next was the giving out the report book.hah!result was such a dissaponitment.i've got no point for my EMB3 cos i fail my Emaths.yeahyeahyeahhh.. after school off to greengridge & waited for amira at banquet.So rent some VCD then headed straight to amira's Jangan tegur.actually im so called ''scarie cat'' laa everytime i watch horror movie.artika was like shouting madly & was covering her face with pillows.kekek uhh tu for me,covering both my ears & eyes cos the sound effect was so damn loud & some more the speaker just near me.luckily we all dont have heart-attack if not ...hahs,Craps! overall was time if you are planning to watch horror movie pls dont bring people like us there cos we will only wasted our energy shouting all the way. haaaaahhhhhhaaaaaaaahhhhhhhaaaaaaa! gonna miss going to school soon..! :( i cant get you off my sight, somehow I don't think we can ever be friends all i can hope for now is we're doing just fine left is only goodbye and step off peace-out Labels: Runaway Thursday, May 28, 2009 EAGLE CHAMPION ! Cross country was extremly exhausted! & it was my first time somemore.before the event began,i've have seriously bad stomach-ache(nervous).my whole body was shivering as if i was in the freezer-.-''half way back to school after the u-turn point,i continue to walk & in the same time talking to salina,hahah! sempat sak bbl.turn around,i realised im the only one left for B girls.Fcuk! run all the way with izzah till the ending here the funny part,there are 4 lane i was supposed to dash across at B girls lane but then i went the wrong way & end up entering the B boys lane.hahaha! Laugh Out Loud(: So i won the 15th position la seyy.though i was the last runner but still i've won a effort was not a waste.& for the overall champion this year was EAGLE ! we've proof others wrong okey.(winkwink*)hip-hip-hoooooray! then have our lunch at banquet.1230 the bus off to Clementi town sec.altogether,there were 16 different school.let me recall... amazing race the were 4 game in total.(in random)Spidermania was so-so fun only.followed by moneystars was so damn2 hillarious.was laughing our ass out madly.having trouble finding the number cos all the number was jumble was the Human snake & ladder.then,it was prixis game thingy. last game i cant recall the name.overall,i think i do enjoy the games after-all. take bus home though we were somehow lost somewhere but manage to take the correct bus & reach home-sweet-home safely. till out. peace-out yaw! Wednesday, May 27, 2009 Arghhh ..! Today was indeed pleasurable during P.E lesson.Amira,Huda,Izzah & myself were playing badminton have been''centuries''i last played badminton.Okey i admit that im not really good in badminton.hahs ! wat a joke.i've been leaving on earth for 15yrs but still don't know how to smack the shuttercock correctly.always missed seyy : what the usual lah,the other 3 were laughing their ass out.Funny isit ??! hahahah.but still i enjoy laughing at my ownself. lesson was so boooooring.esp,SS lesson.ngantok siak.while tcher was showing the video clip regarding the history of singapore, i spent most of my time sleeping.shiok gilerr.gahs..! POA lesson was so-so fun la. after school amira just make a fool out of herself.her hearing problem still havent been fixed yet.hahah! kekek uhh nie org.& yeah tomorrow will be the cross country.i've already sign up but then ... unsure if i could make it.coz i got some difficulty of breathing. & tomorrow also i got Financial Literacy Carnival at clementi town sec.from 1 till 6. what a disaster-.-'' peace-out yaw ! Labels: one last chance Tuesday, May 26, 2009 Dirty-Secrets School was indeed FUN-FUN-FUN !!so basically to we've to do the Green Com thingy rite. so my group members were aisyah & we we supposed to distribute the flyers at blok 630 from 16-30th floor.WTH!the journey with them was totally fun to the core seyy. &&& yeahh,got this kind hearted auntie give up different kinds of biscuit.gerek per seyy.aisyah was like''air tkder ker??''.kekek sak.the whole process i encounter different kind of NEW experiences.Today was abh-solutely enjoyable. lesson time was okey quite fun la kan.POA?haiss.idk wat on earth she was talking.mira was sleeping for the past 30minit.kimak! holiday will gonna be hell for sure.project project project all the way... pathetic sial ..-.-'' & now im stuck with el pro about adam albert.arggh its killing me! peace-out yaw! Monday, May 25, 2009 ![]() argggh,thought of skipping skool again seyy-_____-'' so this friday there will be parent meeting for all.DAMN-it !comfirm seyy tcher will be complaining about my mathematics & my humanities result which was done very-very badly this time round.alaaah,booooooring math tcher wasnt satisfy with my result & so do i...what to do la kan.O lvl mother is just less than a week !!so goodluck ehk. at last i get to know smthg i've been waiting all this sooo glad to hear that(: to whom it maybe concern:slashing dosen't solve your bloodyhell problem ! why must do this kind of stupid thing by hurting ur own hand?? ntg better else to do is it?! pls laa got brain pls think before you do smtg nonsensical. peace-out yaw ! Labels: stupidity Saturday, May 23, 2009 ![]() am i behaving sucha loser or maybe ....???hah! wtv it is,after reading khadijah's blog about friendship,idk if im doing the right thing. ouh well,Every human beings living on earth makes a stupidest mistake in their life, just come by naturally & we cant deny it nor to stop it.the stupidest mistake you've made will be a lesson in your life to appreciate things & dont take it for granted. ''NO REGRETS, JUST LEARNING ''.this phrase just keep me moving on with my life. lately i've been thinking am i being a selfish friend or just doing the right thing. ouh well.... i will never know. peace-out yaw! Tuesday, May 19, 2009 hello earthilngs, FYI[15%malay & 85% chinese] today was indeed super damn freaking fun like as mentioned our class is visiting the Geylang Bwell old folks all the necessary item are fully prepared by the effort of 3N2 students.the first impression when i arrived there,i was like''why are they staring at us??''&''what am i supposed to do now??"hahs ! so like my t-cher say ''just smile...(:''.so from one point to another i was smiling all the way non-stop.firstly is the performance done by aisyah,azza etc singing Bengawan Solo.only the students were supporting enough clappin hands & cheering for them.the elderly was like staring at them & wondering what on earth are they singing about bcos they were singing in malay.only got this one supporting makcik sing along to the song.anyway the performance were going smoothly to the plan.after sometime i manage to help some of the elderly rather than staring at them & they staring at us inreturn,SO we decided to come up with a simple game that were made by some of a token for participating in the game we've made ,our group give the a biscuit laa kan.some were really enthusiasm when playing our game but some of them dosent want to be disturb.i feel like today i've done a good deed to others & im very proud of it.i hope that more of thing home visit will be conduct in the future.din't manage to snap lotsa pix today.soo lazy la seyy.handphone tergantong kat leher tapy tak dipakai.haiyooooos ! Anyway, told cha.when i received back the paper[s] my face will be ''wth..!''rite..? so yeahhh not forgetting,about my result it was such a dissapointing for me only for some subject.i totally screw it up this this not the end rite,liana??NO its not ! the final reveal will be the report book.arghhhh.. btw say what you've to say cos i'll pretend im not hearing things.&& fyi there's no such words of ''kerek'' in my dictionary. peace-out yaw! Labels: own attitude Saturday, May 16, 2009 ![]() one word to express my feeling right now is ''world-weariness''. ouh gawd,today was super-duper-hyperly bored like ''wth am i going to do now??'' i've been stuck at home since thursday.lets imagine okey firstly,being stuck at home. secondly,fidgetting around doing nothing.thirdly,facing the computers right in front of your face non-stop for about 0123456789hrs or so.yeahh get the feeling ,right ?? ouh well,i shall stop complaining.basically today i woke up at 1245pm. super damn late huhh. that night i was busy watching thats so raven at disney channel till 1am. receive call from azlina regarding about smthg.blah blah blah ... i dosen't seems to get the point exactly.lets have a random talk yeah. one point you were stuck in a finicky situation and then ........ you find yourself going no where but to sacrifice smthg precious. hmm...what are you going to do bout it?? ouh last but ofcos not least,im looking ahead for a more entertaining day !! peace-out yaw Labels: that day yet has arrive Wednesday, May 13, 2009 MYE FINALLY Ooo-VERrrr.hip-hip-hoooray !!jump jump jump of satisfaction.yessa baby.& wat is left now waiting patiently for the result !!pray hard yea. so,basically today was my last paper which is physic.&& i totally screw up paper 2.i manage to recall back all the formula but the stupidity of mine for learning physic till late at night causing me forgotten to learn my S.I units.damnitxss !serve me right.anyway,wanna wish all the students taking A-maths paper tmrw best of luck. after school,i totally enjoy laughing with my two giler frens(azlina&amira)including nuraini. it has been long time i'll last hangout wit her.rindu dier la seyy.was laughing madly bout somethg lame jokes tat was created by azlina.nuraini was surprise to see azlina's true up with the rest at bpp.have our ''breakfast+lunch'' at L.J.S then headed straight to meet amira & shasha !!cute sak tu bdkk.lepak-lepak-lepak at the playground.cukop time was HOT-hot-hot !! overall i totally enjoy today with my gereks frens ! hmmm, im wondering wat am i goin to do for the 4days i simply just cant get my mind fixed.nevertheless im sooo-sooo extremely gonna be shock like ''wat the hell''face*when i get my result back.hopes for the positive remarks.argggh this feeling is getting out of hand. peace-out yaw! Tuesday, May 12, 2009 well,im here wif another post.but i''ll make it short && sweet okey?.&& so,lets begin then. let me recall...actually i've have a bad memory.tee hee^^ monday:meet 1510 at fajar mc for ''grp study''.like good girl always yeahhh.then berok came.&& she's my new ''tutor''.hahah ! mcm phm.then lepak-ing with them at the void-deck till the rain has stop. tuesday:meet up with amira(a.k.a setan)at our usual place then off to school.our ppr start at 11 & end at 1215pm.i've somehow manage to do the chemistry p3 & p4 within 1hr15 min.all together consists of 17 pgaes.walan !nevertheless i've completed all my question[s] on time.& for tomorrow is my last paper which is physic ! hate it sia ...just now go to geylang with my parents just to buy ice mocha may sound scary but i totally love it.yummy ..(pic above).it cost me 2-half bucks for a drink.okey la worth it i shall say. im done.okey gtg need study for my physic exam tmrw. peace-out yaw ! Friday, May 8, 2009 hellooo to all bonified freaks..! N : You like to work, but you always want a break. O : You are very open-minded. R : You are a social butterfly. L : Love is something you deeply believe in. I : You are always smiling and making others smile. A : You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind. N : You like to work, but you always want a break. A : You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind. get this frm the f.b.hahah ! im bored actually. okeh !im back just for the sick of updating this ''dead''bloggie.this week seems like-a roller coaster ride journey for me.its driving me nuts everytime i sitted for the paper.whenever i look at the Q given,i will intend to be terrified with it & my brain cells dosent seems to function very ! 6 down,2 more to goooo.gossh ! idk if im gonna make it tis mye.all the paper[s] are totally basically today is POA.paper 1 think im gonna flung it cos its all about theory & its sucks yknw.paper 2 i totally rock it man ! okey laa not bad.still can be done. about the other 5 paper ? i dont wanna talk bout it.its for me to know when i get the result back. pray hard yea.enough talkin bout this freaking MYE.its only driving myself insane.gahs ... im done posting.''where have the good old days dissapear to??'' [finding the hidden truth that is impossible.go ahead just be with who deserve you the most.] peace-out yaw Labels: broken trust |