The name'sNorliana
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Friday, July 31, 2009
![]() a very happybirthday 15 !! you are now officially 15 la seyy.wooo-hoooo ! but tooo bad could'nt tease you no more ;P no offence ehk.okey,today lesson was'nt that bad as yesterday.& once again i skipped CCA above was taken after school.nothing to do,slacking in N2's class camwhore-ing around.after that,khad & syaz went off for their cca.ask aidil if he want to join us to ZCC.but as usual ..yknow guys,they will have a thousands of excuses with them went it cames to this:\ thought of lepak-ing at zhenghau CC but the plan was walk home with khai & aidil.ouh yeah!was having a greatest laugh with this two jokers with their lame jokes !! seriously,lame giler maot to the max punya.kekekk uhh. gooosh it has been sucha looong time i did'nt have the chance to tease him.hoho! kk, i was just joking abt that. "It is better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for what you are not." peace-out! Thursday, July 30, 2009 If You Really Love Something Set It Free. If It Comes Back It's Yours, If Not It Wasn't Meant To Be & Forget who hurt you yesterday Wednesday, July 29, 2009 ![]() BAAAACK !! with another post & i'll try to make it short as possible.PE lesson was fair to the usual do rock climbling & yeahh.. i was supposed to guide the girls how to belay,tie figure of 8 etc...okey moving onnn...,lesson was'nt that dry for today.& i really dont feel sleepy for the whole day eventhough i slept at 1am+ last night.chem lesson were held at the lab @ lvl 3.was supposed to make a crystal(?) & finally ! it was success for me & izzah.(pics above)took some pics & camwhore with the girls when cher were walking around without letting her know what we were doing in the lab.hahhahahhh ! OUH well.i really do enjoy doing this experiment. today cher return back our math level test paper.OMG !! seriously i was sooo dissapointed in my marks.firstly,if it was'nt the 1 marks i got minus for not stating my reason, i could have pass my my this paper.meaning, i failed my math paper by 1 mark !!! -.-'' & the paper is upon 40(!) whatthehell rigggght ??... secondly,i realised i''ve got so many careless mistake in my paper.& yeah ! i could have gotten 24 marks for that pathetic.! arggggghhhh! running out of time.enjoy reading !! goodnite;D the feeling of guiltiness still live in me peace-out! Friday, July 24, 2009 school has been full of excitement whenever this ppl(huda,amira,aaron) were around me in class! lets start with thursday.POA lesson was bored to death.even some of them were sleeping in her class including me uh.hahah ! & i wanna take think chance to thank aaron for the wake up call ! you could have wake me up politely without even shouting my name like as if i was deaf,right ? everyone turns & look at my sleepy-face & start laughing their ass out ! :\ NOT funny ... as for today,huda & izzah's beg were hanging on the projector slide(?)( dunno what is the name) Aaron is the mastermind for this stupid/lame/hillarious prank.HAHAHAHHHHH !!(pic will be upload soon)maybe on my next post. this weekend will gonna be my torturing+booooooooooring weekend ever ! two days straight need to attend 2 star kayaking course from 8 am to 6 pm(!) & Even worse,maybe or somehow i could not be able to complete any of my assignment.argggh !! why this kayaking thingy does not took place during the june holiday.why now(?),when my weekend was supposed to be resting & completing my homeworks at my own pace.stupid right(?)(!)tchers are sooooooo unreasonable nowadays!! thats why i took this opportunity to update my bloggie now.& that means i have less time playing with my computer.poor thing right?? i know.hah ! ''Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either'' by:Albert Einstein peace-out! Tuesday, July 21, 2009 ![]() PICTURES to upload uhh.pathetic rightttt ..(??) OUH-YES! i did wear my ethnic coustume.woo-hooo! sooo semangat.HAH-HA!! .. went school with yayaa & naz.yayaa was all well dressed up like as if she's going to attend wedding ;D or maybe,she's just arrived singapore from brunei.after morning temperature taking yayaa was sent home.pakai lawa2 abeh kene balek.apedaaaah..same goes to aini. When i entered the class,everyone was going as if they saw something they never seen additional to the noise , aaroson called me ''fairy''(?) ''whaaaaaat ...?!?!!"(L) In total, only 7 of us wearing ethnic costume.walao weeeei .... weird is'nt it ? lesson was going smoothly.nothing much happend.I really screw up this math level test! serious. after counting back the marks i realised i wasted more than 10 marks out of 40 in total.Whathehell seyy-_____-'' really hope to pass this level test.(pray hard)* reach home sweet home 5.35 ;D Friday, July 17, 2009 Today is the day where i've to go for the check-up.supposedly its on monday seyy.tu la terlalu confident sngt.hahah! told cha backbone got problem but still im able to grow.good news !! but in order to have a straight backbone,i am suppsed to do sit ups & swimming.mcm la aku nih ader bnyk maser -.-'' haiyaaaahhhh !! after school zoom to bpp followed by fajar mc donald.& yeah, saw haizrul.seriously did'nt expected to see him at all.okey whatever.something embarrasing happened while me & khai in the toilet.dont want to talk about it uhh.awww,cute dok tu nazirah ?? k stop it ehk liana!(L) && yeah before i forget,AMIRA WE MISS YOU MUCH MUCH, back SOOON !! & dont forget to buy me some souvenir while you're there.HA-HAH! im running out of words already. ''true friends does not ignore the presence of a friend'' peace-out! Wednesday, July 15, 2009 ![]() Gawddd, I totally anti-check-up so much which makes me feel like escaping from being examine by the nurses this coming monday.why must be me(?)(!) i guess its must be my backbone problem or something else which i simply have no idea what is it all about.according to my friend, if a person have a backbone problem its simply means that he/she will not be able to grow any taller.What-the-hell was that! i want to grow as tall as my father not trying to offend nor to insult those who is not as tall as the others.Dont get the wrong idea ehk.Im just stating my point of view.Okey won't want to continue this topic any further. its just making my head goes weeeeeeee. peace-out! Tuesday, July 14, 2009 ermm,today: POA-> still was half awake.(hah! always...) Phy->Mr.lim prepared us a mix & match game(?) .entertaining but lame(!) HAH!! Eng->do vocabulary & cloze passage.(-.-'') waste 5 mins of our recess time. Recess->Eat lah.(eating-timeeeee!) Geog->totally dozed off when ms wong give us 2+ mins break.(goshhh! totally sleepy) E math->Class TEST(!!!!!) OMgawd!! i did'nt study for it.(serve me right) Chem->Ms elfie did'nt come.So the relief t'cher is in-charge.(BUT,still got worksheet to be handed in by the end of the period) whaaaaaaaat?? after school hangout with girlfies near fajar area to buy azlina a small birhtday cake.aww,we're so sweet right? nyahas.okey stop it.&& before i end my today post,[Amiramia tan rosak 'R'!!].i think you really need to go for a theraphy.Hhaahaha! me& huda will start making fun of her 'R'. kekekk uhh biler kat class.& baek uhh huda,post ko sungguh bermakner seh(: & tnx for the chatter box(!) okey gotta do my physic homework till next time ehkkk.. '' never to turn back again'' peace-out! Saturday, July 11, 2009 FAULT I'm being defeated once more & here i am wondering why but....., gotta do what is best for me ain't coming back where it all started Nothing is the same as before I can’t move on Don’t wanna try All the joy that I ever knew Was taken away its does'nt seems fair to me but thats how it goes there''s nothing i could do to change things back around Thursday, July 9, 2009 HATE CENSURE REMARKS Yooooo'whatsuuuuuuuup Actually i dont feel like updating my bloggie but got this one faithful reader ''huda muhd'' asked me to update. so, here i am posting for the sake of huda. okey lets begin with yesterday instead.PE was a total blast!! had the chance to see (insertname) fall while playing ''baseball''.OUCHHH!! okey wont elaborate more on that ''one in the life time ''incident.HAHAHAHHH!! ermm,as for today was'nt that pleasant for the whole class.yes im sure of it.POA tcher did'nt come for the whole 3 period & SO,our relief tcher was (insertname) he seriously such a pain in the ass seyy.!! :@ we've been standing for almost 30 minit(i guess) just bcos of this two clown in my class.NB btol!! not only that, he been lecturing the whole class till the lesson end.can you imagine that ??! 2nd half of the period gone just because our class was full of litter.its soooooo stupid!! so what he was once or maybe till now he is a policeman? i dont see a big deal out of WtF** sial nie org.. & aaroson you rock !! debate with him during the last period. was'nt what i've expected.serious. && simply that tcher is 1st person to be part of the ''ruthless tcher ever''in my list.argghhhhhhh !!! hate-it :\ && yeah miss LMR aka 3C's lotsssssssssss... kk im looooooooooong peeps(: ''Its over now,I really need to clear my head and start over'' peace-out! Saturday, July 4, 2009 halo-halo-halooooo, Currently playing guitar geek at the fb.was'nt that good enough this time round.just cant bet this week high score.that means i'll need to practice more uhh.practice makes perfect y,know.walaoweii...complicated seyy the game:\ okey stop it.back to business. when to the carnival with mira.basically today carnival at west spring sec was'nt that happening ,you see.get to meet up with huda,izzah & hasyimah. && yeah ! got to see some of my pri.sch mates there too.tapy smuer step mcm tk kenal nyr-.-'' only for some who still remembers me. then headed to bpp to order birthday cake for amira mum's advance birthday.chilled out at mc donald & walk home. there alot more things i wanna talk about but lazy to type uhh.hehehes ^^ okey uhh.till here back again if i want to...... ''Don't think I can forgive you if I tried.'' peace-out! Friday, July 3, 2009 Brainwashed.Me suuuupzx ??!im bored.yes i really do! pfft-.-'' school was indeed fun though amira was supposed to send home in the morning just because she has a flu & sore throat.lesson was carried on as usual.feeling bored ?? not really the last period is chemistry.whole class went to science lab.woooo-hooo ! first time for tis year seyy.doing some experiment in pair work.khadijah was funfunfun!! actually the experiment we were supposed to do was already done in sec 2 seyh! finding out which solution is acidic,basic or neutral.its easy as ''ABC'' jyeahh.took some picx of the solution. but too bad... i've dont have the pics right now.will upload it when i have the pics okey ?? tomorrow will be meeting amira for the carnival at west spring sec. hope i gonna make it there.but really hope im not goin to see my worse enemy la! pray hard* btw tnx asmine for accompanying me on the msn. && yeah do enjoy my new playlist song aite? ''i dont care if it takes me a mile to walk away from you'' peace-out! Thursday, July 2, 2009 school have been superbly great but the only problem i hated the most is when during recess time.imagine,having little time to queue up for food & standing a distance away from the person infront.its all because of H1N1 la.Whatheheck?! its ridiculous. arggh. anyway, manage to completed my math project today & was supposed to hand in the next day(friday)* but rite ....... who gonna print all the scripts out ??! my printer no ink seyy -.-''! emergency here!! okey not gonna talk much' busybusybusy..! btw i want Miss Chatter Box/Mr Bump D: '' finding a brand new start but how ??'' peace-out ! |