The name'sNorliana
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Saturday, September 19, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Life Rolls On The Red Carpet ?! did'nt use the computer for whole 8 days !! been superly busy lately. Finally got the time to X-plore the net. time check(3.20pm) starting with monday'' skipped school'' just because did'nt manage to complete all of my holiday assignment given.Tuesday was having freaking high fever(38.6) & bad flu, but still did go to school coz don't want to miss another leson again & also i did puase okey.& today,thank god im feeling much better though im still having flu. End of year examination is just around the i prepared ? nooo,absolutely NOT. lets not talk about exam its only driving me insane. 3 more days & end of fasting the happy you know. few more hours to breakfast! okey blog off till now . so long readers. & to huda: jng ckp aku tk update okey.aku debik ko aru tau.^^ peace-out! Tuesday, September 8, 2009 ![]() received a prank called from a caller, ismail?? What-the-hell seyy.Nothing better things to do huh ? then did'nt have the gut to called me back.sucha nuisance freak guy.still wondering who's the nuisance behind this.arrghh ! thats why i seldom answer called when the number seem unfamiliar to me. Starting with yesterday math remedial.Overall, its not a waste attending extra classes during school so proud of myself (L) did some indices which im totally weak in.& as for today,was given a short test to see how well we understand on indices.So yeahh,was thinking to hard till it make my brain cell dead.actually the paper was'nt that difficult.manage to get almost 3/4 of the question right.hah ! for the pass two days was busy helping mum bake some cookies for the upcoming hari raya. as for my homeworks don't ever mention it.did'nt even start doing.maybe tonight ? tomorrow? no one knows.K craps!im running out of words. its time to let is show whose the leader now peace-out! Friday, September 4, 2009 ![]() My day have been simply doing just fine.POA test was driving my bloody brain haywire. Darn!,im seriously gonna screw-up this test again.whatever ..(rolled-eyes) As for my result slip,there's some improvement shows in my overall subjects exp,math! so the happpppy yknow.but this does'nt shows that im getting hold of my math already.still gotta work X-tra(s) hard enough till my brain possibly can't take it anymore.(As if only)But yet, chemistry i did'nt make it ;( its okey anyway.what's important the most is EOY examination which is drawing nearer in 3 weeks time(?) Shoot laa! Homeworks have been piling waiting to be done during the whole 1 wk break.Like as if we're having a 1 month holiday gituk-.-'' haiyooo! teachers nowadays .. & there also gonna be maths remedial & the time slot im still not to sure of yet.Busy busy busy week !! xoxo peeps . when there is a want there is a way peace-out! Tuesday, September 1, 2009 dinner at JP KFC E.N.D Hello homies, rolled the pictures has come to an end.(more pics will be upload soon!) finally has the time to update this bloggie of mine.Yesterday which was teachers day, was quite entertaining during the concert though it was a short ones but still the atmosphere around was lively but NOT the noisiest people besides me.grrr.. so meet up with shahirah & syarifah a friend of hers & zoooom to TWPS.damn !! miss her like hell ya yknow.erm,did'nt get to meet some of the teachers coz there somehow cannot be found anywhere. but i did saw that lil biaxtch of mine.damn !! step maner nyr minah rep jer.minah rep taik kucing uhh ehk.BOOOOO ! So,continue walking around the school for the last time & off to Qifa primary to meet the person i once hate alot(s) but now realized how great she was.if not because her nags , encouragement & her determination for her students,i would'nt be able to get in this school. We took cab there.i swear, the school was located at nowhere.even the taxi driver get lost. we did get to meet Ms cheng there & she's now a vice principal.How amazing ! it has been 2 yrs+ i've last seen her during the released of PSLE result. have our conversation in the canteen.Darn ! everyone could recognised me but,as usual they could'nt remember my name.& Ms cheng never failed to encourage me to do well in my mathematics.i really owes her alots for the past 2 yrs she have been teaching me in pri sch. Seriously,have a great laugh with them till it makes my throat super dry. then,took bus & off to JP to have our dinner as a ex classmates. reach home-sweet-home at 2130pm(09.30) As for today,went to JP agaaaaain just to buy a new spect for my brother.& off we go to woodland to buy some stuff. & now slacking doing nothing beside updating & msn-ing By learning you will teach,by teaching you will understand~Latin Proverb |