The name'sNorliana
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Monday, March 30, 2009
H.a.l.o :) begining of the week jer doesnt amuse me at all. ok la, lesson was as per normal . nothing interesting bout sittind down listen to teacher's lecturing for the whole day. wat to do ... after school, go to blueroom wif naz .phm2 jer la. was told to queue up outside the blueroom. wth ! fine,wtv.then we approach ( insert name). guess wat ! we were ask to re-enter the room cos we did not greet him. siakk jer ! prangai dog sak nie org.then have to listen to his old naggin somemore -_-(blah-blah-blah.)naz & me muker step innocent.binget seyy. argggh ]: after school lepak-ing under the ramp.was havin the great time bullyin aidil^^ -arios sa' peeps- its never too late to change things round but its will always too late to turn back the time Labels: anti blueroom . Sunday, March 29, 2009 okey story telling time about yesterday. meet up with tika & naz at segar lrt. so walk to bpp instead of taking lrt.should know the reason by now. how pathetic sia .. -.= reach there around 5 plus. gosssh ! having the most hard time to choose tat psn present. at last made up our mind sharing my money wif naz to buy the perfect present ever !! yeahhh(; then lepak-ing at garden plaza. tsk. it remind me of someone seyy.wtv ! as normal walk till yaya's house.sooo many hillarious incident on our way there. firstly : i walk the wrong direction.(confident sak aku) secondly: we were walking in between the block & the carpark then, dun know from where a shoe fell right in front of nazirah. we was shouting like wth & run off.'' who would one to hang their shoe late at night seyy.'' before reachin yaya's block, we camwhore first. thirdly: took the lift. nazirah was supposed to press the button .then the lift door close tapy tk naik2 . we were lookin at one another then start laughing. heard2 tat the lift would go up by itself without even pressing the button per.. tk skola nyr org. hahahs. jokin(: (blah-blah-blahhh) we eat our food at the staircase with the rest. then, got these small girl sitting behind me sayin '' i like her hair''. she was touching my hair actually. then naz says '' you like my hair ??'' the small girl reply '' no, i dont like '' cute siol tu anak ^_^ tika went home first cos here mother want her to be back before 9.30. me & naz stay abit longer. eat bday cake( cheese cake), take photo etc.. home-sweet-home 10.25. the brightness of the sunshine is almost fading, It feels like raining is on the way in No more bright sky i've seen before But I still need your umbrella from getting myself wet in the rain Sometimes I wish I would've never let you in And then, wish I never met you but its just a matter of time that will eventually fade the memories away Labels: Just want the pain to go away Friday, March 27, 2009 ![]() im updating my bloggie again la seyy. huhuh ..^^today was '' DOUBLE'' sian day for me & naz. firstly : was late to my ez-link card was taken away by mr teh.gerek perh sial ?? so need to join the other late-comers at the bus-bay.Wtv la ehk.movin on. tat pathetic girl did not attend school today -.- banyak malas hor. lesson was quite fast & interesting. especially during chemistry. smtg hillarious happen . got smtg flying into the classroom.dun know wat is it. its look like a bee to me. so miss elfie asked alvin to open the windows near to the teacher table so that the bee will fly off but instead it fly around the class especially near to my table. ewwww ... then, sean says : i demand you to get out !( was communicating with the ''bee'' ,i guess) at tat exact moment after sean has demand to the ''bee'' ,the ''bee'' finally fly off.everyone starts to laugh.Then, miss elfie says : do you know why the ''bee'' fly into our classroom ?? sean says: because i demand the '' bee'' to come. one big LOL for sean lame joke .tats all about it la. Secondly: after school went to blueroom thought of takin back my ez-link card but the blueroom was'nt open ! fuck,my ez-link card is locked inside. -.- so went for cca do outdoor cooking.we were given task to cook scramble egg with mushroom followed by spaghetti. Not bad .. quite delicious actually. then do some LAME activity with the juniors. Yeaahhh ! received new Cca t-shirt.told you tat my day was soooo displeasing. haiyo ! I See A Face In The Mirror That I Just Don't Like But I Gotta Keep Tellin Myself That Its Alright Cuz Now Im Older Theres No Sense In Me Crying Labels: tats the way it should be now Thursday, March 26, 2009 watsupps dawg , its has been quite sometime i've not updated my here it is lesson was super loooong + boooring lesson for the first 7 period before recess ! so sian uhh.Poa ntg much just updating our poa file.math still on GRAPH ! -.- geography i was half awake.don't know wats she was tokin for the whole two period. R.E.C.E.S.S ! followed by CME.wasn't listening to her explanation instead me,mira & huda were busy playin tic tac toe . fun perh cekgu bbl sendiri. everyone was like doin thier own thing ignoring her. wtf sia .. last but not least,EL lesson need to re-do our essay on MS words. so i was the lowest in class for essay.get C- ! gerekkk perh . aft school as per normal lepak-ing with girlfies. was havin super great time with them especially with yaya panton tk menjady.. kekek siol tngk dorang . so home-sweet-home at 5.20. tomorrow friday ! arggh malas nyr nk gy skola & cca .. so more got ss quiz. fook laaaa .. good-nite (: Labels: the time has arrived Tuesday, March 24, 2009 S.T.R.A.N.G.E.S ... so hey yah peeps , school was fun.thanx for those people for cheering me up.Everything makes sense now.shouldnt have trusted tat bloody words.its all for creation.i've realise it now, how foolish i were before & i do really deserve it .maybe i was meant to be a LOSER . Lately,we're acting as if were are STRANGERS.I guessed there's no point saying this now.It's done and we're gone.How will i know which way to follow.Where will my faith lead me tomorrow now,im stuck finding my way out.And the only truth that i`ve ever known is when you`re tellin me your lies.But i just can't seem to turn and walk away. Sunday, March 22, 2009 It's a thin line... between love&hate Boring SUNDAY !! -.= omg.entertain me.anyone ?? ntg better else to do decided to complain all my thought into tis just read if you wish to... Goshh,cant my weekend get any worser than tis.ouh well...&& guess wat,march holiday just zooom so fast like as if there's someone pressing the forward tokin craps.i dont feel like going to school neither staying at home fidgeting wat do i really want then ?? hmmm..DAMN,my holiday was like hell ,wif tons of homework accompanyin me each day.never feel the peacefullness at home whenever tis bunch of rascal around me.Fook ! yeah,life is full of challenges,but never have the courage to challenge myself.''how pathetic !''-.- WOW ! tis is almost coming to the end of march.another 9 more mnths & i will be in sec 4.booo-hooo T.T .all alone once again.who has the remote control huh ? give it back to me.So i could slow the time down && better still rewind it back to the good-all-days.if tat were to happen,i will asure tat, no red-eyes at night for all.hahaha ! mcm phm... if i have tis lucky wish,i would wish to recorrect my stupidest mistake ever which i've done causing me to fall.Wtv it is,life have to continue rite??? its pointless crying over a spilt milk.i must be realistic.Holy crap ! book review havent do .. good-byee(: Labels: pick'a boo Thursday, March 19, 2009 currently reading MR midnight in malay version. Searching for new pics to upload but then i running out of latest pics.Tis pic was taken yesterday. ermmm,ntg to say actually.So tis morning attend chem remedial with ms elfie.guess wat ?? only 7 of her student attend.sean,aliff,aidil,khad,aini,mira & me !so wait for ms elfie for about 123456789 mins ! damn it! i realise tat the remedial only starts at 9.45 ! the remedial end at around then zooom to bpp to borrow story book.then have our''lunch'' at girlfies at our normal spot.idk why suddenly my mood manage to finish up my physic.MISSION ACCOMPLISH ! kk lame...stakat tu jer.not to happy cos thousands more to go-.-biler mau game ...haiyo !so reach-home-sweet-home exactly 7.&& now im stuck with my ss wksht.ass-holes. okeh,im done posting ! bye(: (pls give me a reason to move on) Labels: infactuation Wednesday, March 18, 2009 currently tokin to azlina,amira & berok.ntg better else to do so post la kan.&& yeah, before steppin outside my house i could feel the heat oready.was perspiring madly.damn panas-panas-panas rasa nya ! So basically wat i did tis afternoon is tat,going for''joggin'' with amira.So meet her at near to the bridge at around 4 per normal wait for TAT person. smangat pakai baju P.E skola per ..before tat buy plaster cos my leg get easily buy two instead.guess wat ?? it cost me 30 1 plaster cost me 15 cent !5 cent pon nk kire per ?? -.- so have a slow walk to another side of the bridge. jog for a few metres then continue walking to the ending its about 20% joggin & 80% of walkin,chattin& laughing all the way-.- wtHECK !so drop by to fajar shoppin centre for some bites. ntg else to do then lepak-ing at block 432.mean time wait for artika.blah-blah.have a good laugh with them.Ouh ! one more think before i end tis post,amira hope you know how to differentiate btwn longkang & tau jugak pegy balek kindergarten .jk-jk only. do i lose some weight today ? neeh... in fact i realised tat im gettin darker.-.- so,im off now.b-y-e ! Tuesday, March 17, 2009 ![]() Hello once again peeps, My day was totally perfect ! tnx to 1510 for makin my day .. So woke up 8.45 am when i received phone call from azlina.haiyo ! my fantasy was half way thru to the ending seyy...buat kacau ahh..heheh!who-cares btw.dream are meant for sleepin only,right ? So meet amira near to fajar street soccer.waited for her for like 123456789 mins.hahaha ! i must be jokin.LOLS ..Then headed to Fajar mc donald.(blah-blah-blahhh) ... ntg much we did there beside eatin,chattin,laughin & doing homeworks.So we went off at 5.khad went home first cos she's tired.last minit plannin we finally decided to go to zcc to camwhore.hahah.ntg better to do kater knn.Reach home-sweet-home at 6.50.luckily my mums did'nt nag at me. tomorrow if im not wrong gonna be tat kambeng bday.hahahah ! my kambeng is gettin older soon in few more hours to go ! so gonna wish her best of luck in life & be my NO.1 favourite kambeng ever in the universe .. --- dreams would never be true--- Labels: back to oldies Monday, March 16, 2009 Train to disaster ... SUuuuups freaks ?? Ermm .. lets start with my saturday noon.We went to ECP bcoz my father collague invite us for ''gatherin''.its was raining cats-dog wen we reach there so we stay in the shelter nearby for quite sometime.Thought of playin my roller blade but then the rain won't stop pouring.Ouh not forgettin tat night i ate quite alots of various seafood.yum-yum.toally damn delicious. ''finger lickin gooood ...''i could only get to sleep peacefully at 2.30 in the morning.So in the morning notice i got few red spots on my both legs.Ass-holesss !~mosquite bite.-.- Reach home on sun morning at 12.30pm. Today,rot at home.was boreddd to death..-.- girlfies ask me out.sorry you guys.Too lazy to go out la .. I just cant figure it out why do i have to start tat fight.if it not bcos of me,things would be going just fine.My egoist brought me to regretion which i simply could'nt understand it till now. mayb i just won tis war but actually i just lost tat fight. -i should'nt have bought tat train- Labels: gosh im sick of it Friday, March 13, 2009 ![]() ![]() Meet the others at 6.30 at CCK lrt sattion.reach stadium at 7 plus.FYI,nazirah,glennis,chloe & me won the 3rd position of B girls 4x100m.was soooo damn happy.saper tk hapi seyy. & oso i took part in CCA 4x100m relay which was'nt quite satisfy for not winning a medal cos we're in 5 th place.-.- but at least i manage to bring home 1 medal without empty handed.(peace sign ''V'') & yah ! about the eagle dance was so damn-damn nervous sia in the beginnin only...but then halfwy thru im fine wif it.dosent feel the stressfullness bout it.Was bloody shock went HERON won the campion while EAGLE won the 3rd position.soo,congratulation to heron dancers ! overall was totally havin th greatest time just now. oh well ... wat can i say,eagle have did their very best.Actually was'nt satisfy about cheer-leading part.wat can i say ...but then ,there will always be nexy year kn ?? so next yr im goona make eagle a champion for the CHEER-LEADING !(maybe.who may knows). gonna miss my beloved amira cos goin to(dun where) do miss me yaw ! (mybe u're movin on but for me im stayin.mayb its my stupid fault for lettin you down.imma unresonable person.& i realised it now.) Labels: d-a-n-c-i-n-g Wednesday, March 11, 2009 T.O.L.D-M.E-S.O So during P.E lssn,we've to do 2.4 km run instead of doing the 5 station in the hall.Coz it have been occupy.before we start running we've to do some warm up.yeahhhhhh ..was quite nervous actually.So my first aim is to run without stopping & havin the best timing ever in history. which i actually did it.i've accomplish my mission.the last few metres i dash across & took over venice .gaaaahs !YESSAAAAA ! i've did it la seyy. best timing:18.06 wooo-hoooo ... if not for turning around the u-turn(near to general office) i guess my timing will be even better den tis.-.- 1510 except artika & the choosen ones were selected to go to indonesian trips tis coming june holiday! gerek perhhh .. & lssn was so damn boring especially during POA lssn.the last half period i did ntg while the rest was tryin to complete Q 8.aft sch,lepak-ing behind the IDPW room . im gladly to announced tat Zss won 2-0 against Tampiness sec !! you go girls !! Saw yaya & naz.hug them like as if we've nvr seen each others for quit a loooong time. were creating such a nuisance of ourself coz the sec 5 were lookin curiously at us.hahahah ! who-cares la ehkkk . tnx berok for makin me suspend ! gosh,d-a-m-n-i-t ! got POA test tmrw. cant wait for tat big-show la seyyy.mighty-mighty eagle dance ! 2 MORE DAYS LEFT ! EAGLE BIG-SHOW IS COMING UP (never meant to fall) Labels: listen-dup Saturday, March 7, 2009 As you know today i've to attend course.woke up at 7 & get started to do my homework. Labels: emptiness and confused Friday, March 6, 2009 finally ! im updatin tis dusty blog.yeshsaaaa! ... Today lesson was'nt tat bad la kan ..havin fun during MT lesson.were tokin lotsa craps all the way(minah ketupat=deaf) tat was made by nazirah's lame jokes.was laughin non stop for the whole period.after school,went home straight with azlina.then at 2 went off again to school for photo takin.and yeahhhh,my weekends gonna be HELL to me.why ezit so ?? saturday: rock climbing lvl-2 at 9am till 6.30 pm(3/4 of my saturday gone & 1/4 left is for me resting for the next day) sunday:9am till 2 pm.(half day for me ONLY ! got my own reason) as you could see from the schedule i've listed down,not a single homeworks i've touch.FYI i got tonsssssss of homework which really do know how to pissed me off !-.- ''can i finish my homework today ??'' i guess tats impossible to happen. i've no faith tat EAGLE gonna make it tis just all about practice & patience. nevertheless we've put in lotsa effort for the eagle dance. when i was a child,i spoke like a child,i understood as a child,i thought as a child,but when i all grown up,i put childish things away. Labels: turn it back the time Monday, March 2, 2009 nothing seems to be right ... YESSA!!today physic lesson was the most enjoyin.thanks to mr lim for craking up lame jokes early in the morning.tats really keep me awake for damn hillarious i shall say. maths lesson,mdm ho announced the passes name for the math test tat wes attempt last week .guess wat??! one of them was me laaa.hahahah.was shocked like-wth la kannn.cant imagine i could possibly make it tis round.all thanks to those who has been guiding me all tis while.appreciated it lots ! if not for them i could not achieve tis victory ..(ok im too kembang) but wat can i say...skali-skaler perr bukan slalu.After school, was shocked to see tat i've been selected for the semi-final B girls(100m).fulamak,finally i could make it tis time round.but im still considering of goin for heats tis wed.should i or should i not ?? hmmm wat concern me the most is tat the rival for the next round was the fasters runner off all compared to me.but, .... i wanna make tis year a history for eagle. die-die must win tis year round.. so long peeps.good-nite! Labels: wishing upon a million star Sunday, March 1, 2009 ![]() its crazy but im falling apart ... hello earthlings(: i was wondering wat ''today'' supposed to mean by(insert name). wtv la seyy.not interested to know bout it anyway..(drop tat topic & movin onnnnn ...) ok,im back from BPP just now..firstly headed to lot1 with amira&fatin.yeah-yeah,accompany fatin buy her soccer boot bag.walk-walk around for awhile then saw the twins & aidil.(movin on ...) then we went to BPP.ntg else to do so decided to go library.& tis mamak really pissed us off!! he really get into my nerve.firstly we borrow a book each & went to children section instead.sit for awhile then came in tis mamak.lecture mcm nk rak seyy...sayin tat we ain't supposed to sit there cos we are blockin the way.OKEY fine! i get his point but he should'nt be sayin we've "NO brain" wat..sial la mcm dier sorang per ader otak.So,we walk off.feelin very annoyed wif his attitude towards us.''Tat psn is so damn sickening'.-_-(arggghhh ...) reach home-sweet-home at 6.40. & nw,wanna do my homework. so long peeps(: Labels: i really do HATE tat biatch.. |